Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Hopefully now that you have read my answers to these 10 questions you now understand the Christian world view. I also hope that now you realize that the complexity of the answers also meet the complexity of the questions. To answer them flippantly with a one liner, like “God is imaginary” is academically and intellectually deceitful. With the same logic used by this video, I can answer the questions just as well by saying “Keith Richards is imaginary”. Look at the formula in comparison:

q = starving children
r = God or Keith Richards
p = real
If q, then (r = ~p)
If there are starving children in the world (q), then God (r) is imaginary (~p).
If there are starving children in the world (q), then Keith Richards (r) is imaginary (~p).

The validity of the answer is just as questionable, logically. Whether you believe the answer or not is contingent upon what presuppositions you bring to the table. I would have thought that such advanced critical thinkers like the producers of this video would have realized the flaw in their thinking. These questions are important and are good questions to be asked. However, the producers use these important questions to personally attack a people group. That is bigotry. Furthermore, they have not done any research or investigation to see what the counter arguments to their questions would be. Rather, they built straw-men by describing any Christian answers that could be given as “weir rationalizations.” They chose to hear only what they wanted to hear, ignoring all other sides of the argument. That is ignorance. And lastly, I can only imagine what painful and damaging experience these people had that they should hate God so much. And I can only imagine what I as a Christian did to them that they should hate me so much. The people who produced this video and who built the website did so out of hate and intolerance. They hate the influence Christianity has had on history and the American worldview and they are intolerant of its teachings and precepts.

Nevertheless, I hope that they had a chance to read this blog and see how an intelligent Christian answers their questions. Additionally, I hope that as others read, they would maybe see that, contrary to popular belief, you do not have to check your brain at the proverbial door in order to believe the Bible or call yourself a Christian. Is it true that some Christians need to educate themselves about what they believe? Absolutely. The Bible does say that we need to be prepared to give reason for our faith (1 Pt 3.15). But the same can be said of the atheists, as well. I have talked with people who don’t believe in the Bible because, “it was written by Shakespeare 200 years ago.” My point is simply that if a person is sincerely searching for truth, then it is important to inform yourself. It is foolish to reject an argument that you do not understand or has been presented poorly. My hope in this blog was not to convince anyone of the superiority of my argument. Rather, it was to show that the Christian argument is not without basis. I have attempted to show you through philosophy, history, science, and most importantly, the Bible itself, that the Christian worldview is not without reason or consistency. By this, I hope to undo the stereotypes this video tries to reinforce. So please, don’t drink the kool-aide. Don’t let this video tell you what to believe. Think for yourself and make your own decisions as to which set of answers to the ten questions are more valid.

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