Tuesday, April 28, 2009

8. How do we explain the fact that Jesus never appeared to you?

I don’t believe that such an appearance would be necessary for me to believe. Has
Barak Obama come to your house to reveal to you that he is indeed real and really the President of the United States of America? Are you sure that he is not simply an actor playing the part on TV or a digitally manufactured character who does not really exist? Then why do you believe he is who and what he says he is on TV, radio, and on paper? By the same standards this question is imposing on Jesus, you can’t be sure that I exist or give explanation why I haven’t appeared to you. Of course neither I nor President Obama claims to be divine, but before Jesus left he did tell us where he was going and why. And the writers of the gospels and the book of Acts documented this without conflict. Mark records that after Jesus delivered his last teaching to his disciples he was “…taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.” (Mark 16.19). Luke similarly records that Jesus was “taken up into heaven” in Luke 24.51 and Acts 1.9. Also, Jesus tells us why he ascended into heaven in John 14.2-3. There we learn that he is preparing a place for us as his followers as a parent would for their run away child who is finally coming home. Additionally, in the episode of Jesus appearing to Thomas at the end of John’s gospel, Jesus tells Thomas, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20.28).

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