Wednesday, March 26, 2008

His Name Is The Word of God: The Importance of Seeing Jesus From Scripture (Part 1)

Jesus once asked his disciples, “Who do people say [I] am?” and “Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:13-15). Their response highlighted the ongoing debate between Christians who take Jesus at his word and the speculations of those who do not. The question is just as relevant and controversial in our modern era as it was then. “Who is Jesus”?

Today Jesus is more universally popular than ever. His name is mentioned more often and more frequently with greater interest than ever before by believers and atheists alike. He is a favorite subject in all forms of media; movies, music, magazines, radio, television, t-shirts, tattoos, sculptures, paintings, pictures, placards, gift cards, billboards, video games, and pro-sports are among the many forums in which Jesus has been discussed and dissected. More books have been written about him than any person in all of history and as opinions about him continue to proliferate that number is increasing exponentially. As a result, his personality has never been more obscured by varying cultural perspectives as it is today.

The questions being asked about him and the answers being given are as diverse as they are numerous. They represent every ethnicity, gender, religious system, political persuasion, and sexual orientation. Practically every aspect of Jesus’ character and identity has been puzzled over and reinterpreted to the degree that there is hardly any consensus between those various sub-cultures as to who he really is. Here are some of the major questions regarding Jesus that have been expressed and are still being debated both in America and abroad:

Is Jesus alive today or dead in his grave?
Is Jesus a willing participant in his death or a case of cosmic child abuse?
Is Jesus a man or an angel or a god or God or God-man?
Is Jesus the brother of Lucifer or is he Michael the Archangel?
Is Jesus a Jew, or a Muslim, a Hindu, or a Buddhist or a Mormon?
Is Jesus fair-skinned or dark-skinned?
Is Jesus African, European, or Asian?
Is Jesus rich or poor?
Is Jesus a democrat or a republican?
Is Jesus a communist or a capitalist?
Is Jesus a sexist or a feminist?
Is Jesus happy or sad?
Is Jesus masculine or effeminate?
Is Jesus married or single?
Is Jesus gay, straight, bi-sexual, asexual, or transsexual?
Is Jesus countercultural or conformist?
Is Jesus a moral teacher/philosopher, a social/political rebel, a religious reformer and revolutionary, or the promised Messiah to the Jews and Savior to the Gentiles?

These questions effectively cover the gamut of possible identities for Jesus and they have all been answered and are still being answered by differing people-groups around the world. But one question still begs to be answered: where are they getting their answers from?

Recommended Reading and Sources Used:

The Bible (choose a reliable and coherent English translation such as the New International Version or English Standard Version, NIV quotations were used for this blog, however, the ESV is known to be a more literal translation).

American Jesus by Stephen Prothero
Vintage Jesus by Mark Driscoll

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